1400 Industrial Hwy Pottstown, PA 19464
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1400 Industrial Hwy Pottstown, PA 19464
SEO Locale © 2023. All Rights Reserved. | Sitemap
Are you interested in getting involved in adult inline hockey in Pottstown? Well, then you have come to the right place. Here you’ll find the best inline hockey leagues for Phoenixville, Gilbertsville, PA and Collegeville locals. This is perfect for off-season ice hockey players who are keen to keep up with their training. Or you might already be an avid fan of adult inline hockey. Either way you’ll fit right in here and be thrilled with the lineup of programs available.
Choose From Different leagues
You might be worried that we don’t have the right adult inline hockey league for your needs. Rest assured, we have multiple adult inline hockey leagues for you to consider so you’re sure to be able to find the right option for you in Pottstown. Select from Copper, Bronze, and Silver based on your team’s level of experience, skill and success in the arena. We even have options for over thirties which is ideal if you’re looking for a challenge against people on the same level of experience as you.
Eager To Join A Team For The First Time?
If you are in Collegeville or Gilbertsville, PA and you are eager to join an adult inline hockey team for the first time, then we can help. You can use our registration page and we will help find the right team for you. Be aware that adult inline hockey is a lightning-fast game. The game is played with a puck and all games will be played in Pottstown on a full-size roller rink equipped with a sport court surface.
While it is considered a contact sport, body checking is not allowed, regardless of what arena you are playing in. If adult inline hockey near Collegeville isn’t the right choice for you, then you might want to consider getting involved in one of our adult dek hockey programs. This is similar to the typical game but is also known as street hockey. It’s not considered a contact sport as physical contact is highly limited.
Fantastic Value With Fun Guaranteed
Are you wondering about the cost of our Inline hockey programs? You’ll be thrilled to hear that individual player prices are reasonable for Pottstown and Phoenixville residents eager to get involved. You will however need to make sure that you have all the equipment needed before you hit the arena. This means that you need helmets, knee/shin guards, gloves a stick and of course, inline skates. Every individual must be paid in full by game 2.
Find Out More
Have we convinced you that playing adult inline hockey could be the right choice for you? Then register now with your current team or join an existing team. Alternatively, check out some of our other sports available like Adult soccer. We have leagues for this sport too, sure to provide the challenge you need. Or, you can think about joining our Adult flag football.These are fantastic fun and sure to get the blood pumping.
General Rules
Individuals utilizing this facility do so at their own risk. The property owner(s), league operators, officers and owners and staff of The 422 Sportsplex assume no liability for any injuries or accidents, which may occur. Please refer to your Liability and Injury Waiver Release Forms.
Conduct within the facility and on the rink should be conducted in the spirit of good sportsmanship.
No food, drinks, chewing tobacco, chewing gum, metal cleats permitted on playing surface No sunflower seeds or similar type products are permitted in the facility.
No glass containers on the rink or in the player boxes.
The 422 Sportsplex reserves the right to refuse play or service to anyone.
Any fighting will result in permanent banishment from facility.
Hockey Inline Rules govern play with modified house rules where needed.
IDS pro puck will be supplied by each team for play…Black only.
Non-checking, No icing, and No off sides.
Each game will have two 21 minutes halves.
Each team will get 1 time out per game
4 vs. 4 plus goalie
Goalie can play on feet at BRONZE LEVEL only.
Rosters are to be submitted to The 422 Sportsplex one week prior to the first game–NO EXECPTIONS.
Captains must be present for the Captain’s meeting prior to season. If the captain cannot attend, someone representing the team must be there.
A player must play in 4 league games to be allowed to play in the playoffs.
League play overtime will be 5 minutes of sudden death with 3 skaters and a goalie. If tied after this it remains a tie. Playoff overtime will be 5 minutes of sudden death with 3 skaters and a goalie. Second tiebreaker is a sudden death shoot-out of 3 players.
Forfeits & Make-Up Games
A team has 5 minutes from the start time to have at least 3 skaters and a goalie or 4 skaters and no goalie for a game to be officially played. After the 5 minutes has passed a game will be considered a forfeit.
If games are cancelled due to weather related cancellations, Sportsplex will not make those games up. There are no refunds or credits.
If a team is unable to play a scheduled game, the opposing team may choose to accept a 3-0 forfeit. The 422 Sportsplex is not responsible for teams that neglect this rule and fail to notify the opposing team that they are not going to make a scheduled game.
Follow these steps in the event you cannot make a game time.
Forfeits: Teams must call the opposing team to inform them of the forfeit.(Call the Sportsplex for the phone number of the opposing team) The 422 Sportsplex is not responsible for teams that neglect this rule and fail to notify the opposing team that they are not going to make a scheduled game. If a team shows up to play and the opposing team does not show up, then the team present will win by forfeit. Furthermore, the team that fails to show up for the scheduled game will be charged a forfeit fee that will be passed onto the team that was present for the game as long as the fee is collected.
Failure to do so will result in the game being forfeited. Furthermore if the rescheduling or forfeit procedures are not followed then the offending team will be charged according to the forfeit penalty schedule listed.
Forfeitures/Penalty Schedule
A team forfeiting a game during any one session will be subject to the following fines:
All Forfeit- $50 fine to ensure refs are paid
Fines for forfeitures must be paid prior to a team continuing the session schedule. Forfeiture will be incurred if a team has failed to field the minimum number of players (4 player minimum) within ten minutes from the start of the game clock. Teams incurring forfeitures during a session shall not be eligible for registration discount in the following session. Any team no show will result in a 3-0 victory for opposing team and no rescheduled game will be given.
Failure to do so will result in the game being forfeited. Furthermore if the rescheduling or forfeit procedures are not followed then the offending team will be charged according to the forfeit penalty schedule listed.
Does your child love soccer? If so, then you might want to consider signing them up for our Pottstown youth soccer league. Leagues and programs are available for girls and boys. They are run and managed by a friendly and passionate team of individuals who are keen to make sure that your kids have a great time on the field.
What You Need To Know About Little Kids Soccer
While not quite as popular as football, soccer has a lot of fans and players around the country. Locals of Pottstown and Gilbertsville, PA are definitely going to want to get in on the action and this way kids can get involved too. Little kids soccer and toddler soccer provide a fast-paced, fun-filled game that is sure to be a hit with your little ones. You can cheer them on from the sidelines as they race for the goals in their toddler soccer tournaments.
Is Youth Soccer The Right Choice For Your Child?
Your child might already be a massive fan of little kids soccer. They could love practicing in their own backyard in Phoenixville and constantly play at school. If they haven’t yet picked a sport, then it’s important to note youth soccer is perfect for kids who love running and have excellent eye-foot coordination. Games can be quite energetic but you can rest assured that we have little kids soccer tournaments suitable for all level of skill and experience. Remember, if you’re not sure whether this is the right sport choice, our multi-sport camps give a great taster of a wide variety to find the perfect match.
We’re Better Than The Rest
If you are looking for a place that provides opportunities for little kids soccer as well as toddler soccer, then you have come to the right place. Nobody gets left out regardless of their ability even when it comes to the leagues. We want to encourage all young people to come along to our youth soccer sessions so that they can fall in love with the sport! We even run regular summer camps ideal for going beyond the typical toddler soccer games.
Get Started
If you are wondering how you can get your child into little kids soccer, then you can find all that information right here on our site. You can also contact us and ask us about our toddler soccer and youth soccer programs. We will be more than happy to provide you with all the information that you are going to need to get your child started with youth soccer right here in Collegeville. Whether your child is looking for a little bit of fun, or hoping to make it to the big leagues playing little kids soccer, we will coach them every step of the way. If your child has already signed up for toddler soccer, you might also want to check out our soccer camps to boost their skill levels.
We invite captains to bring or assemble their teams, and individuals without teams can sign up to join a house team or be placed on a team!
422 Sportsplex 5 on 5 Flag Football Rules and Regulations
New Winter Policy: No games will be made up due to snow cancellations. Teams will instead be given free entry into our spring tournament series.
General Rules
Sign Up Guidelines and Fees:
Player Rosters:
Player rosters must be turned in prior to the first league game. Men’s Flag Football rosters will be limited to 12 players, with no guest players allowed. Changes will be permitted prior to the third game. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of all games played with illegal player(s). Players may only be added later if a player is injured and removed from the roster for the remainder of the session. Proof of injury must be provided. Acceptable proof shall be a doctor’s note. At the discretion of management, a team may claim hardship and add one player after the third game for a fee of $25.
ID Cards:
Each player must have a completed membership/waiver prior to the first week of playing. No players are permitted to play with out a membership/waiver.
Game Schedule & Make-Up Games:
If a team is unable to play a scheduled game the opposing team may choose to accept a 6-0 forfeit. If both teams agree to a make-up, they will be offered possible times from the facility management office. It will be the team managers or representatives’ responsibility to coordinate and select one of the available times. The team requesting to reschedule a match must request a reschedule in writing one week prior to subject game and submit a fee of $40 (to cover lost referee fees). Failure to do so will result in the game being forfeited.
A team forfeiting a game during any one session will be subject to the following fines:
Fines for forfeitures must be paid prior to a team continuing the session schedule. Forfeiture will be incurred if a team has failed to field the minimum number of players within ten minutes from the start of the game clock. Teams incurring forfeitures during a session shall not be eligible for registration discount in the following session.
Any team no show will result in a 6-0 victory for opposing team and no rescheduled game will be given.
Individuals are expected to play under control and within the rules of the game, and to the best of their ability will avoid causing injury to themselves and other persons using the facility.
Referees appointed to officiate each game have complete authority on the field of play, and their decisions on points of fact connected with the game are final. Judgment calls cannot be questioned, only enforcement of the rules. Officiating will be monitored and assessed periodically and management will always try to provide quality officiating at the facility. Constructive comments regarding officiating are welcome and encouraged. Please submit any such comments in writing. Complaints regarding officials should be submitted in writing, contain points of fact, and have your name and the name of your team at the top. Do not discuss officiating or the officials with the facility staff during or immediately after your game.
Fighting Policy:
The 422 Sportsplex has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY toward fighting. Anyone fighting will be ejected and they will be terminated from playing the rest of the session. Furthermore, the situation will be reviewed by the league commissioner to determine whether the player will be banned from the facility for more than one session. The 422 Sportsplex reserves the right to ban permanently any player involved in a fight. It is the responsibility of the player to apply for reinstatement to the facility if he or she is involved in a fight. At this time the player will receive the terms and conditions of the commissioner’s disciplinary action. Any player that does not apply for reinstatement will not be allowed back into the facility. Application for reinstatement may be subject to a fine, as determined by the league commissioner.
A player or coach sent off in (or after) a game by a referee will automatically be suspended from the next game in the session. In addition, a player will be banned from playing on any other team until the suspension has been served. If a player is ejected in the last game of a session (he/she) will be prohibited from playing in the first game after he/she registers for another session.
A $100 bond will be required from any team involved in an altercation where more than one player is involved in a fight. Should a bond be placed against a team, the bond must be paid prior to the team’s next game, or that game will be forfeited. The terms of the bond will be given in writing to the team. Should the team fail to adhere to the terms, the bond will be forfeited to the arena and the team’s participation will be terminated. If the team adheres to the terms of the bond, then the team will receive the $100 bond at the end of the session.
It is the responsibility of each player and the player’s team representative to be aware of the total status of their player’s infractions. Failure to comply may result in further disciplinary measures which may include suspension of the coach/rep. and forfeiture of games in which that player participated.
Intention to file a protest must be noted in writing immediately following the game. A formal written protest, must be submitted to the 422 Sportsplex within 48 hours after the end of a game. The league commissioner will review and have the final authority on all protests. ALL DECISIONS MADE BY THE COMMISSIONER ARE FINAL. Only violations of the laws of the game, rules or guidelines of the facility as published are matters for protest. Any protests regarding fielding of illegal players must be brought to the attention of the game officials prior to the suspected player(s) leaving the field of play.
The 422 Sportsplex will award winning teams with various prizes. Each first place team will receive either 12 trophies, 12 champion shirts or a 10% discount off the following session. If trophies are being ordered, they must be ordered within two weeks of the session ending.
Ball Movement:
Line of Scrimmage: The offensive team must have a minimum of two players set on the line of scrimmage at the snap. One additional player may be in motion, but they do not count as a player on the line.
Contact Information
Please contact the 422 Sportsplex at info@the422sportsplex.com or 610-323-9600
422 Sportsplex 7 on 7 Flag Football Rules and Regulations
NO current 7v7 league
New Winter Policy: No games will be made up due to snow cancellations. Teams will instead be given free entry into our spring tournament series.
General Rules
Sign Up Guidelines and Fees:
Player Rosters:
Player rosters must be turned in prior to the first league game. Men’s Flag Football rosters will be limited to 12 players. 2 Guest players are allowed during the season but NOT during playoffs. Changes will be permitted prior to the third game. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of all games played with illegal player(s). Players may only be added later if a player is injured and removed from the roster for the remainder of the session. Proof of injury must be provided. Acceptable proof shall be a doctor’s note. At the discretion of management, a team may claim hardship and add one player after the third game for a fee of $25.
ID Cards:
Each player must have a 422 SportsPlex ID Card in order to play. ID Cards can be obtained at the front desk for $5.00. Referees will collect the ID Cards at the beginning of each game and hand them back to the team at the end of each game. If a player receives a red card during or after a game, that player’s ID Card will be confiscated and held in the front office until the player has served their suspension time. The card will then be given back to the player. Players under the age of 18 may request an ID Card, but must go through a waiver process. The General Manager and the Adult Leagues Manager must meet with the player and their parent, and the parent must sign a waiver for their child to play. The 422 SportsPlex has the right to deny any player an ID Card.
Levels of Competition:
The facility will offer the following divisional structure for adult teams, if enough teams are available:
The facility will offer the following divisional structure for youth teams, if enough teams are available:
The 422 Sportsplex reserves the right to make the necessary changes within league divisions to ensure an equal level of ability and competition.
Players may only be on one roster in a given division and league. Players may participate in more than one division and league. A lower division team may not field more than three players from an upper division. Dulles Sportsplex reserves the right to determine if a player is considered too advanced for a given division and remove the individual from the team roster. This is done in the spirit of maintaining parity in a given division.
Any players with current or former Collegiate or Professional experience must play Division 1. Any Collegiate players that want to play in a lower division must get permission from the league commissioner. No professional player, current or former, can play in a division lower than Division 1. Any professional players, current or former, caught playing in a lower division will be removed from that team’s roster and that team will forfeit every game in which that player played.
Game Schedule & Make-Up Games:
If a team is unable to play a scheduled game the opposing team may choose to accept a 6-0 forfeit. If both teams agree to a make-up, they will be offered possible times from the facility management office. It will be the team managers or representatives responsibility to coordinate and select one of the available times. The team requesting to reschedule a match must request a reschedule in writing one week prior to subject game and submit a fee of $40 (to cover lost referee fees). Failure to do so will result in the game being forfeited.
A team forfeiting a game during any one session will be subject to the following fines:
Fines for forfeitures must be paid prior to a team continuing the session schedule. A forfeiture will be incurred if a team has failed to field the minimum number of players within ten minutes from the start of the game clock. Teams incurring forfeitures during a session shall not be eligible for registration discount in the following session.
Any team no show will result in a 6-0 victory for opposing team and no rescheduled game will be given.
Individuals are expected to play under control and within the rules of the game, and to the best of their ability will avoid causing injury to themselves and other persons using the facility.
Referees appointed to officiate each game have complete authority on the field of play, and their decisions on points of fact connected with the game are final. Judgment calls cannot be questioned, only enforcement of the rules. Officiating will be monitored and assessed periodically and management will always try to provide quality officiating at the facility. Constructive comments regarding officiating are welcome and encouraged. Please submit any such comments in writing. Complaints regarding officials should be submitted in writing, contain points of fact, and have your name and the name of your team at the top. Do not discuss officiating or the officials with the facility staff during or immediately after your game.
Fighting Policy:
The 422 Sportsplex has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY toward fighting. Anyone fighting will be ejected and they will be terminated from playing the rest of the session. Furthermore, the situation will be reviewed by the league commissioner to determine whether the player will be banned from the facility for more than one session. The 422 Sportsplex reserves the right to ban permanently any player involved in a fight. It is the responsibility of the player to apply for reinstatement to the facility if he or she is involved in a fight. At this time the player will receive the terms and conditions of the commissioner’s disciplinary action. Any player that does not apply for reinstatement will not be allowed back into the facility. Application for reinstatement may be subject to a fine, as determined by the league commissioner.
A player or coach sent off in (or after) a game by a referee will automatically be suspended from the next game in the session. In addition, a player will be banned from playing on any other team until the suspension has been served. If a player is ejected in the last game of a session (he/she) will be prohibited from playing in the first game after he/she registers for another session.
A $100 bond will be required from any team involved in an altercation where more than one player is involved in a fight. Should a bond be placed against a team, the bond must be paid prior to the team’s next game, or that game will be forfeited. The terms of the bond will be given in writing to the team. Should the team fail to adhere to the terms, the bond will be forfeited to the arena and the team’s participation will be terminated. If the team adheres to the terms of the bond, then the team will receive the $100 bond at the end of the session.
It is the responsibility of each player and the player’s team representative to be aware of the total status of their player’s infractions. Failure to comply may result in further disciplinary measures which may include suspension of the coach/rep. and forfeiture of games in which that player participated.
Intention to file a protest must be noted in writing immediately following the game. A formal written protest, must be submitted to the 422 Sportsplex within 48 hours after the end of a game. The league commissioner will review and have the final authority on all protests. ALL DECISIONS MADE BY THE COMMISSIONER ARE FINAL. Only violations of the laws of the game, rules or guidelines of the facility as published are matters for protest. Any protests regarding fielding of illegal players must be brought to the attention of the game officials prior to the suspected player(s) leaving the field of play.
The 422 Sportsplex will award winning teams with various prizes. Each first place team will receive either 12 trophies, 12 champion shirts or a 10% discount off the following session. If trophies are being ordered, they must be ordered within two weeks of the session ending.
Ball Movement:
Line of Scrimmage: The offensive team must have a minimum of two players set on the line of scrimmage at the snap. One additional player may be in motion, but they do not count as a player on the line.
Defense must have two down linemen who line up inside the outside shoulders of the offensive linemen.
Contact Information
Please contact the 422 Sportsplex at the422sportsplex@yahoo.com or 610-323-9600
We invite captains to bring or assemble their teams, and individuals without teams can sign up to join a house team or be placed on a team!
We invite captains to bring or assemble their teams, and individuals without teams can sign up to join a house team or be placed on a team!
*Rates apply to hours during the week from 3pm to Midnight and all day during the weekends. A 25% discount will be applied for all time reserved before 3pm during regular weekdays (non-holidays). Winter rates apply to all rentals before 3pm during our camp and school day-off seasons, and no discounts aside from what is already listed will be given.
**During the Summer, Spring and Fall rates apply to times between 3pm and 11pm during the week and all weekends.
Rental Rates are for individual activities or practice times for teams. It is prohibited to rent practice fields and run tournaments, camps, clinics or leagues without the specific permission of management. Prices will vary for these activities. Please call the facility for prices and availability at 610-323-9600.
If you rent four (4) hours or less, full payment is required at the time of the rental. If you rent more than four (4) hours, a 25% non-refundable deposit is required, with full payment owed at the time of the first rental. If you have a long-term rental that spans several months, you may opt to pay each month separately at the beginning of the month. This must be stated in writing by you at the execution of your contract. If your rental contract does not exceed two months, full payment is due at the time of the first rental. If payment is not received at the due date, a $50 fine may be assessed and your rental contract can be terminated.
All payments, including deposits are non-refundable
We do no accept winter (Nov 1-Mar 31) rental cancellations for non-weather related issues. All time booked during those months are the responsibility of the team or organization regardless of any hardships.
Fall, Spring, and Summer Cancellations-
Customers must fill out and sign a cancellation form for any dates they want to cancel. It is the responsibility of the customer to obtain this form and deliver it to the Sportsplex.
Customers will responsible for full payment of all rentals within thirty days from the date of cancellation. Customers will be exempted from this responsibility if the Sportsplex is able to resell the cancelled time. It is the responsibility of the customer to find out if the time was resold. Deposits are non-refundable even if time is resold. If a customer cancels outside the thirty day period, then any payments greater than the deposit will be refunded in full.
If the facility is closed for any reason, customer shall receive a facility credit toward a future rental date. If no dates are available, customer shall receive a refund for only those dates in which the facility was closed.
All times shall be rented on the hour, in one hour long increments, unless otherwise agreed upon.
Please include set-up time in your rental. Please note: it takes about five to ten minutes to set up a volleyball court. It is the responsibility of the customer to include set up in their rental.
All participants of rentals are required to sign the new facility participation waiver.
Please contact the facility for instructions on how to set up your rental and send all participants a link to the sign the new waiver and complete their membership.
Players shall play at their own risk.
All customers must declare their use of the rental space. Any use outside this declaration will be an automatic forfeiture of their rental agreement.
Agreement to the terms and conditions of our new waiver/membership is REQUIRED for facility participation.
If your kid is already madly in love with soccer, you might have been looking at different soccer camps near Pottsville that you can send them to. Or, you might be trying to get your child into a sport, and for this reason you have decided to look at soccer camps to try and encourage them. Whatever the reason, the important thing is that you have now found us, and we can provide the children of the Phoenixville area with the very best soccer sessions!
The Benefits Of Soccer Camps
Some parents do not see the point in sending their children to a camp dedicated to helping their child learn and develop their athletic skills. However, you will find that if you do decide to let your kid attend a camp near Collegeville, they are going to learn so much more than just how to play soccer. They will learn to develop the ability they already had to make them the best they could possibly be.
However, they will also get the opportunity to meet new friends that could last a lifetime. Developing their social skills and learning how to be part of a team is all part of the education that your kid will experience when they attend soccer camps. It doesn’t matter if you are in Gilbertsville, PA or Pottsville, because our service can cater to all children around these areas.
How To Get Started
If you are wondering how you would go about getting your child into one of our soccer camps, then you can find all the information that you are going to need right here! We run a variety of summer camps near Gilbertsville residents know and trust to provide the very best for their children. Or, alternatively you can contact us and we will be happy to give you all the information that you are looking for regarding toddler soccer near Collegeville, as well as all the other soccer camps that we run.
Fit And Fun
Our soccer camps don’t just provide you with the skills they need to excel in leagues. Instead, they ensure that your child is fit and healthy. Soccer involves plenty of running and works out the arms as well as the legs. If you’re looking to keep your kids fit even through the off-season our summer camps could be the perfect solution. This will provide a great introduction to this wonderful sport.
As well as keeping your child in optimum physical health, our soccer camps are also going to provide a good time for your children. Remember, if you’re not sure whether soccer is the right sport for your child, we also run multi-sports camps near Phoenixville. These provide a vast level of experience in all different sports so kids can find the choice for them. This includes everything from inline hockey to basketball so your child is certain to find the perfect match.
Click on the General Soccer tab above to register for our soccer camps.
If your kid is already madly in love with soccer, you might have been looking at different soccer camps near Pottsville that you can send them to. Or, you might be trying to get your child into a sport, and for this reason you have decided to look at soccer camps to try and encourage them. Whatever the reason, the important thing is that you have now found us, and we can provide the children of the Phoenixville area with the very best soccer sessions!
The Benefits Of Soccer Camps
Some parents do not see the point in sending their children to a camp dedicated to helping their child learn and develop their athletic skills. However, you will find that if you do decide to let your kid attend a camp near Collegeville, they are going to learn so much more than just how to play soccer. They will learn to develop the ability they already had to make them the best they could possibly be.
However, they will also get the opportunity to meet new friends that could last a lifetime. Developing their social skills and learning how to be part of a team is all part of the education that your kid will experience when they attend soccer camps. It doesn’t matter if you are in Gilbertsville, PA or Pottsville, because our service can cater to all children around these areas.
How To Get Started
If you are wondering how you would go about getting your child into one of our soccer camps, then you can find all the information that you are going to need right here! We run a variety of summer camps near Gilbertsville residents know and trust to provide the very best for their children. Or, alternatively you can contact us and we will be happy to give you all the information that you are looking for regarding toddler soccer near Collegeville, as well as all the other soccer camps that we run.
Fit And Fun
Our soccer camps don’t just provide you with the skills they need to excel in leagues. Instead, they ensure that your child is fit and healthy. Soccer involves plenty of running and works out the arms as well as the legs. If you’re looking to keep your kids fit even through the off-season our summer camps could be the perfect solution. This will provide a great introduction to this wonderful sport.
As well as keeping your child in optimum physical health, our soccer camps are also going to provide a good time for your children. Remember, if you’re not sure whether soccer is the right sport for your child, we also run multi-sports camps near Phoenixville. These provide a vast level of experience in all different sports so kids can find the choice for them. This includes everything from inline hockey to basketball so your child is certain to find the perfect match.
Click on the General Soccer tab above to register for our soccer camps.
If you have been looking at multi-sports camps to send your child to this summer, then you are probably searching for the best one around. We are one of the greatest sports camps that your child will ever experience, making sure that each day is packed with fun activities that everyone can enjoy. Whether you are from Pottstown, Collegeville, Gilbertsville, PA or Phoenixville, we can cater to your needs!
What Is A Sports Camp?
At various sports camps, your children will learn to enhance their skills at a specific sport, but when you choose a multi-sports camp like ours, your kid will be able to develop in all different areas. We believe that this is important because it allows the young people of places like Pottstown the variety necessary to be able to choose a sport that they love. However, they are also not going to be limited to just one thing which can become quite intense for young children. Instead, you will find that we provide the best training in countless different sports, meaning that all the children who visit us will try all new things!
Why Go To One Of Our Sports Camps?
Some people might ask why you would even consider heading to sports camps instead of training at home? The answer is that it will give your child the opportunity to make friends outside of their usual friendship circles, and meet others who enjoy sports just as much as they do.
Multi-sports camps also provide children with the opportunity to have a break from their usual sport, if they have one. We can offer your child a structured opportunity for them to grow and develop in a safe environment. You might find that there are not a lot of sports camps that are local to you, but if you are in Pottstown, Collegeville, Phoenixville, or Gilbertsville, PA, then our multi-sports camp can accommodate your needs.